Healing Hands Abroad was established to address the prevalent issue of people in desperate need of specialized surgical care.
Jesse is a perfect example of the type of patient we see repeatedly.
We met Jesse through the staff of the Good Shepard Clinic about 7 years ago in the small village of Succotz in Western Belize. We were instantly struck by his shyness for a young man of 17. His long hair, parted and flowing forward, was stuffed underneath a large baseball cap nearly completely covering his forehead. Eventually, we realized that Jesse’s shyness and the large baseball cap were an attempt to disguise the large tumor above his left eye. Local doctors were unable to address his needs. We were able to remove the tumor and restore his self-image. On a subsequent visit a year later, Jesse had transitioned into an outgoing, confident young man sporting a ponytail, no longer forced to hide beneath the camouflage of a baseball cap.
This is the type of life changing work that moved me to create Healing Hands Abroad. It means a total transformation for people like Jesse.
For the past 7 years we have traveled to Belize to help the people there. Interest in our organization has grown and the staff has expanded. Currently, we continue to travel to Belize and have recently partnered with the Timmy Global organization providing specialty surgical services to the communities in the Amazon region of Ecuador.
All funds we receive are applied only to the operating costs necessary to provide services to those in need: air transportation, room and board for the staff, medicines, medical equipment and other supplies required for setting up at the mission location. The Healing Hands Abroad staff and Board of Directors donate there time and no salaries are ever paid.
If you would like to contribute to help support our work, please visit our PayPal page
send a check to:
2372 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, New York
With your help, Healing Hands Abroad can broaden its reach, fulfill its mission and realize its vision.
Thank you for your time, consideration and support.
Michael J. Lacqua MD/MBA
The Healing Hands Abroad Foundation Inc.